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August 18, 2022
Mark Zeehandelar

User Experience: The “New” SEO Performance Factor

User experience (UX) and the search engines, especially Google, have gone hand-in-hand for a long time. However, as more Google algorithm updates occur and spam tactics get eliminated, those in inbound marketing are being forced to look at quality metrics and strategies, rather than vanity metrics and quick fixes. While UX and search engine optimization (SEO) […]
August 18, 2022
Mark Zeehandelar

Refresh Your Employee Performance Review Process

As a business owner, it is imperative to have an employee evaluation to measure your employees’ overall performance in your agency. In today’s world, more and more companies are focusing on performance management. Businesses are now required to become more efficient, execute better business strategies, and accomplish more tasks with fewer employees in order to […]
August 18, 2022
Mark Zeehandelar

Five Questions to Ask Before Niche Marketing

Niche marketing in the insurance space can be somewhat tricky business. It can also be immensely profitable. Niche marketing generally allows agencies to enjoy deeper market penetration, stronger retention in the niche segment, a more predictable flow of referrals, and stronger rate negotiation leverage with carriers. Some agencies are fortunate enough to “fall into” a […]
July 25, 2022

Welcome to Our New Website

Our dedicated staff of insurance professionals are here to assist you in securing a life insurance policy to protect you and your loved ones for years to come. With a vast knowledge of our many carriers, we are equipped to shop for the best policy to suit your needs. Our job is to help you […]

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